To serve others
“This is such a beautiful sight Grandpops,” said Panthomath. He and his grandfather had left the Owlstead after dinner. They were perched on a tree high up on the mountain. The view of the city with lights twinkling beneath them like droplets of stars.
“Yes, I love it. This is my favourite time of the day.” Candwol responded cocking his tail and flicking it from side to side. “It is a good time to reflect...about the day and life.” He turned and looked at his favourite grandowlet. “I noticed a good change in how you relate with your cousins.”
Panthomath bobbed his head up and down. “I'm doing what you have been teaching me. I stand up for myself now because I am a leader. ” He beat his feathery chest with his wings.
Candowl chuckled softly. “Why do you want to be a leader?”
“You told me everyone is a leader Candowl.”
“I think I said everyone can be a leader…but you have to first understand what that means.” Candowl paused. “You see, being a leader is not just influencing someone to do what you want. It is about serving other people.”
Panthomath twisted his head in confusion. “ I thought being a leader is just making people do what you want.”
“Well…there are many reasons for being a leader but the most important one is to serve the people you lead.” Candowl stretched his wings to playfully poke Panthomath. “What will separate you from other leaders and make the greatest positive impact is when you serve people. This means doing things that will add value to their lives. When you serve you become outstanding from the general, you leave a legacy that continues after your time on this earth. Being a leader is not just having authority and power but using this for the benefit of other people.”
“Wow, does that mean I have to do things for my cousins even when they are mean to me?”
“That is a good place to start,” chuckles Candowl. “Why don’t you try with helping Parlanchin with his chores tomorrow?”
“Do I have to? He talks too much and gets on my talons,” grunted Panthomath.
“I’m sure you can handle that, after all you are a leader! Come on, end of lesson for today.”
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